Connect your app to the most popular social media sites and enjoy the power of dynamic content updates from Facebook, Twitter, Google and more.
Share photos from a Facebook album
Share posts from your profile or page
Share events from your profile or page
Share tweets from accounts you manage
Share posts from your profile or page
Display events from a Google calendar
Share your Tumblr feed in your app
Share your Instagram feed in your app
Transform any RSS feed into beautiful mobile layouts, promote events or include maps in your app.
Share events from your profile or page
Display events from a Google calendar
Publish news directly from an RSS feed
Share events published on Foursquare
Pinpoint a single address on a map
Pinpoint multiple locations via KML file
Activate a geolocalized map for content
Turn your app users into loyal advocates with fidelity tools that reward in-store actions.
Loyalty program for location check-ins
Build loyalty with a stamp loyalty card
Pull dynamic multimedia directly from the web! Include video, music, podcasts and photo galleries to bring your app to life.
Share photos from a Facebook album
Share your Tumblr feed in your app
Share your Instagram feed in your app
Import a Flickr photo album or gallery
Import your Vimeo video channel or album
Import your video channel or playlist
Import your playlist or tracklist
Connect your playlist or tracklist
Live stream web radio in your app
Create a custom collection of audio files
Connect to an online audio podcast
Create a custom collection of video files
Connect to an online video podcast
Upload images from your desktop or URL
Collect customer details, requests or manage surveys with in-app forms.
Import your existing Wufoo form
Custom build your own in-app form
Launch specific functions directly from your app menu with these customizable features.
Let users call you from your app menu
Let users email you from your app menu
Let users text you from your app menu
Create a HTML page from scratch
Create a web page using our WYSIWYG editor
Insert a URL to a mobile optimized site
Launch a PDF file from your app menu
Host a live chat room for app users
Let users consult your past push notifications
Add popular widgets to you app to increase adoption and app engagement!
Convert foreign currencies quickly
An easy tool for dividing bills & checks
An easy tool for calculating tips
Find your way anywhere in the world
Add a calculator to your app
An easy tool for calculating discounts
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